Dr. Recheweg Calcarea Fluorica 6X
Calcarea fluorica is found in the surface of the bones and in the enamel of the tooth. It is also a constituent of the elastic fibers and of the epidermis. Elastic fibers are found in the skin, in the connective and muscular tissues, and in the vascular walls.
It is recommended in cases of rough and deficient tooth enamel, bone diseases, cavities, exostosis, lack of elasticity of tendons and ligaments and in the frequent dislocations of joints along with sprains.
S1 will put elasticity back in the vascular walls in case of venous stasis, hemorrhoids and varicose veins. Use it also in uterine and vaginal prolapsus (add salt to bath water), cracking of the skin, callosity, fibrous, tumors and coughs provoked by tickling in the throat.